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Sodium-ion and lithium-ion batteries

Sodium ion battery: Sodium ion battery is a kind of secondary battery (rechargeable battery), which relies heavily on the movement of sodium ions between the positive and negative electrodes to work, similar to the working principle of lithium ion battery. During charging and discharging, Na+ is embedded and disembedded back and forth between the two electrodes: when charging, Na+ is disembedded from the positive electrode and embedded in the negative electrode through the electrolyte; when discharging, the opposite is true.

The most important feature of sodium ion battery is the use of Na+ instead of expensive Li+, so the cathode material, cathode material and electrolyte have to be changed accordingly to adapt to Na ion battery. Compared with lithium, sodium is abundant in the earth’s crust and the method to obtain Na is very simple, so compared with lithium ion batteries, sodium ion batteries will have more advantages in terms of cost.

The biggest difficulty of sodium ion battery is to find a stable anode material for sodium ion battery. Graphite, the traditional anode material for lithium ion battery, can combine with Li to form a compound of LiC6 structure with a theoretical specific capacity of 372mAh/g, but graphite can only store a very limited amount of Na ions, which may be due to the fact that Na will first form a coating on the surface of graphite instead of forming a compound with graphite. compound.

Although the energy density of sodium ion battery is not as high as that of lithium ion battery, but due to the abundant resources of Na, and very easy to obtain, coupled with the current high price of lithium carbonate, so in the long run, Na ion battery still has a very wide range of application prospects, in some areas that do not require high energy density, such as power grid energy storage, peaking, wind power storage, etc. still has application prospects.

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