Lithium battery power imbalance with what method to restore normal?

Lithium battery power imbalance with what method to restore normal?

First of all, for the entire lithium-ion battery pack to charge, turn the light after floating charge for 2 to 3 hours. If the battery pack is placed in long-term power loss, has been unable to charge, you can directly charge without the protection plate for 10 minutes (using the discharge port charging), and then charge normally.

Unplug the row of protection board, before unplugging, please make a good mark, 2 row of the board, the row of wires must not be inserted backwards. Measure the voltage of the adjacent pins on the row of wires, if it is 48V, there are 16 voltages, and 60V is 20 voltages. The first string of voltages starting from the negative terminal is the voltage between the negative terminal of the battery pack and the first row of wires, and so on for the others. Find the single string with a voltage lower than 3.50V, determine the positive and negative poles, and mark them.

Use a 3.6v charger to charge the single string with voltage below 3.50v to 3.60 to 3.70v, but be manned to prevent overcharging from scrapping the Li-ion battery.

Plug back into the row of wires in the original order, note that the connection must not be reversed, install the battery, you can put it into use.

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